2024 Outstanding Dissertation Award Winner

Faculty Matter: A Case Study Of Rural Community College Faculty Involvement In Vertical Transfer

Jingjing Liu 
William & Mary - School of Education
Chair: Dr. Pamela Eddy


社区学院的任务之一是为打算通过垂直转学途径转入四年制大学的学生提供转学途径. As potential advocates for students in the transfer process, 在社区学院工作的教师需要认识到支持转学生的重要性,并帮助改善转学生的途径. Yet, little is known about the role faculty have in promoting transfer. 本文的研究目的是探讨社区学院教师在垂直转移过程中的作用. 本研究解决了两个研究问题:社区学院教师如何看待他们在迁移过程中的角色? and How do community college faculty interact with potential vertical transfer students? 以弗吉尼亚州一所农村社区大学为例,该学院的学生转学比例很高,并设有专门的转学中心作为研究地点. Data analysis used the theoretical framework of momentum. 教师们认为他们的角色是转校生的联络人,并在课堂内外与有抱负的转校生进行互动. 社区学院的教师与当地四年制学校的内容区教师合作,并与学院的转学中心合作,告知学生转学资源. In particular, 一位教员在倡导垂直转学和衔接学术与咨询方面被誉为楷模. This advocacy role helps extend the understanding of the momentum theory. 本研究有助于对教师在建立转校生成功转学动力方面的重要作用进行新的认识,并展示农村社区学院教师参与垂直转学,以激励高等教育机构让教师参与实现机构转学使命, supporting transfer students, and fostering more equitable transfer pathways. 





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Dissertation Document 


2023 Outstanding Dissertation Award Winner


Niraj Anil Wagh 
University of Florida
Chair: Cliff Haynes
Cochair: Lindsay Lynch
Major: Higher Education Administration


摘要本研究旨在探讨有色酷儿学生在社区学院的融入感。. 以往的研究已经考察了高等教育中QSOC的经验,但很少关注cc. This study was conducted using qualitative methodology and utilized narrative inquiry as its research design. 主要数据来源为32个半结构化个人访谈(19个初始访谈和13个后续访谈).

After conducting thematic analysis, five themes emerged from the data: Visibility, Affirmation of Identity, Importance of Curriculum, Safe Spaces, and Isolation and Discrimination. Specifically, Visibility, Affirmation of Identity, and Isolation and Discrimination spoke to both QSOC’ in-class and out-of-class experiences, whereas Importance of Curriculum spoke to strictly in-class experiences, and Safe Spaces spoke to strictly out-of-class experiences on campus.

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Exemplified within these themes were three central findings: the need for supportive structures at a CC, having relatable and inclusive curricular content, and the ways in which QSOC feel alienated and are not able to fit in at their CC. These findings indicate that there are many experiences on CCs in which QSOC feel a strong sense of inclusion, but there are also many experiences that reduce QSOC’ sense of inclusion and seek significant improvement.



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Power Point Presentation 

2022 Outstanding Dissertation Award Winner


Stegeman, Pamela Lane 
Kansas State University 

全国各地不稳定的繁荣和缺乏熟练工人从事新的中等技能工作,导致当地劳动力发展和雇主持续的人才管道的重要性上升. Over the past few years, 在评估公司扩张和经济增长的地点时,当地熟练劳动力的可用性已成为企业高管和搬迁顾问最关心的问题. With over half of all jobs in the U.S. middle-skills jobs, and community colleges the primary educators and trainers of middle-skills workers, the need to marry economic development activity and community colleges is becoming clear. 一些地区认识到这一需要,并已采取步骤将这两项重要的社区发展努力结合起来. 某些具有前瞻性的州已经成功地制定了针对雇主的培训计划,并成功地将其纳入州经济发展计划. In these programs, community colleges act as the delivery platforms across the state for these employer training programs.

On the local level, 一些经济发展组织(edo)和他们当地的社区学院明白,为企业提供持续的熟练劳动力以建立经济繁荣的必要性. 这些社区学院和经济发展办公室共同努力,帮助当地企业发展和吸引新企业,以扩大或使当地经济多样化. A number of researchers have examined the work between community colleges, EDOs, and local businesses to improve the local economy. 人们很少了解社区大学和edo如何吸引新企业到一个地区来.

本研究的目的是了解社区大学和在吸引新企业到其所在地区方面有良好记录的经济开发区之间合作关系的特点. 了解成功伙伴关系的要素可能有助于希望扩大其雇主基础和实现经济多样化的社区. 这个多案例研究使用Kanter(1994)合作伙伴关系的关键成功因素来检查社区学院/EDO合作伙伴关系,以确定合作伙伴关系的共性和社区学院可能促成其成功的要素.

Participants in this study had a very consistent message on critical success factors for their productive, ongoing relationship: Work together across all critical areas of community development for the good of the community; communicate, collaborate, and trust the partner organization; build respect for and from your partner by delivering on promises, understanding your partner’s struggles, and working in innovative ways that help the partnership deliver on its goals. 在这些关键成功因素方面,整个伙伴关系的共同点表明它们对当地商业吸引工作的重要性, 但它也表明,这些关键的成功因素适用于所有采用各种经济和社区增长策略的社区学院/EDO合作伙伴, as the participants integrated business attraction efforts with other community development activities. 通过定量研究将这项研究扩展到美国更广泛的合作伙伴群体,可能有助于进一步区分社区学院/EDO合作伙伴关系的关键成功因素.

Dissertation Document 

PowerPoint Presentation

Webinar Recording

Press Release 

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